change-case NPM package includes many text conversion methods for most common cases: camel case, capital case, constant case, dot case, header case, no case, param case, pascal case, path case, sentence case, and snake case. It’s very easy to use, see example:
const changeCase = require('change-case') const input = 'An_Example string-with.mixed CASES 11.12-2020.. @ #$ %^ & * (' console.log(changeCase.camelCase(input)) // => anExampleStringWithMixedCases_11_12_2020 console.log(changeCase.capitalCase(input)) // => An Example String With Mixed Cases 11 12 2020 console.log(changeCase.constantCase(input)) // => AN_EXAMPLE_STRING_WITH_MIXED_CASES_11_12_2020 console.log(changeCase.dotCase(input)) // => an.example.string.with.mixed.cases.11.12.2020 console.log(changeCase.headerCase(input)) // => An-Example-String-With-Mixed-Cases-11-12-2020 console.log(changeCase.noCase(input)) // => an example string with mixed cases 11 12 2020 console.log(changeCase.paramCase(input)) // => an-example-string-with-mixed-cases-11-12-2020 console.log(changeCase.pascalCase(input)) // => AnExampleStringWithMixedCases_11_12_2020 console.log(changeCase.pathCase(input)) // => an/example/string/with/mixed/cases/11/12/2020 console.log(changeCase.sentenceCase(input)) // => An example string with mixed cases 11 12 2020 console.log(changeCase.snakeCase(input)) // => an_example_string_with_mixed_cases_11_12_2020
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